
I sometimes ramble about:

  • bioinformatics topics that come up in my research
  • my PhD experience and any corny life lessons learned along the way
  • literature
  • advice for people going through things I have gone through

On intuition and resilience | PhD

One of my {worst, best} personality traits is that whenever someone tells me something is hard or impossible, I have an immediate, almost uncontrollable urge to do that exact thing.

January 21, 2025

My vim + tmux fanaticism | bioinformatics

This probably shouldn’t be tagged as “bioinformatics”, but I am asked by computational biologists about which IDE I use more often than I'd expect—sometimes by newer programmers who are looking for advice, and sometimes by experienced programmers who are just making small talk.

August 1, 2024

Doing what you like | PhD

The first time I met with one of my now-advisors to discuss possible rotation projects, she asked me quite plainly, "What are you good at?"

May 24, 2024

Klara and the Sun | literature

The Kazuo Ishiguro archive moved to the Harry Ransom Center in 2015, so the collection does not include materials related to *Klara and the Sun*.

December 13, 2022